fresh morning

fresh morning

Sabtu, 27 November 2010


Uses computers in business applications is to provide information quickly and accurately. This information is like blood flowing in the body of a company, the information is interrupted or blocked, then the system will be a shabby enterprise (because of lack of information is called entropy). competitive market conditions and develop and completely an enterprise, making information that is reliable and on time, very important for all levels of management. Diverse information, to be precise on time and be accurate result, requires a data processing tool that can provide such information, namely the computer.
MIS (Management Information System) is defined by Gordon B. Davis is:
an information system based on computer, is designed to support the operation, providing information to management for decision making purposes within an organization.
one of the system (subsystem) of the MIS is AIS (accouting information system), is an accounting system that provides good information for the management and outside parties who use computer tools to process accounting data.

Every business, large or small, to process large amounts of data in daily operations. Data obtained from the payroll, customer invoicing and financial accounts, inventory management, and account customers that all fees must be calculated, stored, classified, sorted, diretriev, processed again, reported, communicated and disseminated at a time.

Processing of such data is known as Business Data Processing or Data Processing (DP). If the processing is done by computer, this is known as Electronic Data Processing (EDP).

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